Directions to GavinWood's location:

To get Google driving directions from your location to GavinWood's location in Kapaa Quarry Industrial Park, in Kailua, a small white information box, above the "A" locater icon, needs to be showing.  If small white screen is showing, click or tap directions in the lower left corner. If the white information box is not showing, please click or tap the "A" on the Google map to reveal the white box.

You will be then able to generate a map, and step-by-step directions, to GavinWood's location. You may print the map and directions, or display directions on a smart phone or tablet in the Google maps app, or with most map apps, or on a GPS device.

Please note that GavinWood's actual location is towards the back of the industrial complex visible on the map, toward the freeway part of the buildings. Our mailing address is not the same as our actual location.

Once you’re on Kapaa Quarry Place, continue about 1/8 mile, pass past the first entrance, past the chain link fence, then turn right at the rock wall, onto the concrete driveway. Jog left, and then make 1st right turn, at Bldg #28. Now you’ll see Bldg #26 straight ahead, with our sign on it.

 Call the shop at 262-5941, if you need more information. We can also email, or fax directions to you, if you’d prefer that.


email GavinWood

Ph:  808.262.5941

Fax: 808.262.2771

Cell: 808.285.3237



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